5.2 Calculation of a Handicap Index

5.2a For Fewer Than 20 Scores

A Handicap Index is calculated from the lowest Score Differentials in the scoring record. If a scoring record contains fewer than 20 Score Differentials, the table below is used to determine the number of Score Differentials to be included in the calculation and any adjustment that may apply. The result of the calculation is rounded to the nearest tenth.

Number of Score Differentials in scoring record

Score Differential(s) to be used in calculation of Handicap Index



Lowest 1



Lowest 1



Lowest 1



Average of lowest 2


7 or 8

Average of lowest 2


9 to 11

Average of lowest 3


12 to 14

Average of lowest 4


15 or 16

Average of lowest 5


17 or 18

Average of lowest 6



Average of lowest 7



Average of lowest 8


Allocation of an Initial Handicap Index

    (i) If a player’s initial Handicap Index is calculated to be greater than the maximum Handicap Index of 54.0 (see Rule5.3 Maximum Handicap Index), the player is allocated a Handicap Index of 54.0.
    (ii) Based on any additional evidence available about a player’s demonstrated ability, a Handicap Committee may modify a player’s initial Handicap Index upward or downward, up to a maximum of 54.0 (see Rule 7.1a Conducting a Handicap Review and Adjusting a Handicap Index).

Rule 5.2a Clarifications:

5.2a/1 – Modification of a Player’s Initial Handicap Index Due to Evidence of Previous Ability

A player submits three scores to obtain an initial Handicap Index, which result in calculated Score Differentials of 15.3, 15.2 and 16.6.

This would result in an initial Handicap Index of:

Lowest Score Differential



Handicap Index




The Handicap Committee is aware that the player, who is rejoining a golf club after many years out of the game, had played well as a junior golfer and maintained a Handicap Index of around 8.0.

Based on the evidence available, the Handicap Committee may adjust the player’s calculated initial Handicap Index to better reflect their previously demonstrated ability.

5.2a/2 – Modification of a Player’s Initial Handicap Index When Subsequent Scores Are Significantly Different Than Expected

A player submits three scores to obtain an initial Handicap Index, which result in calculated Score Differentials of 40.7, 42.4 and 36.1.

This would result in an initial Handicap Index of:

Lowest Score Differential



Handicap Index




The player then goes on to submit three more scores which result in calculated Score Differentials of 45.9, 43.6 and 45.0.

After these six scores, the player’s Handicap Index would be:

Average of Lowest Two Score Differentials



Handicap Index




In reviewing the player’s calculated Handicap Index against their scores, the Handicap Committee may conclude in this case that the -1 adjustment should be removed to ensure the calculated Handicap Index better reflects the player’s ability.

5.2b For 20 Scores

A Handicap Index is calculated from the lowest Score Differentials in the scoring record.  If a scoring record contains at least 20 Score Differentials, the procedure for calculating a Handicap Index is:

  • Average the lowest 8 of the most recent 20 Score Differentials (which include any adjustments for exceptional scores and/or a Committee review) and round to the nearest tenth.
  • Compute the difference between the average of the lowest 8 Score Differentials and the Low Handicap Index.
    • If the difference is greater than 3, the soft cap calculation is applied.
    • If the difference is greater than 5 after application of the soft cap, then the hard cap is applied.

(See Rule 5.8 Limit on Upward Movement of a Handicap Index.)

5.2c For Plus Handicap Index

When there are 20 Score Differentials in a player’s scoring record and the Handicap Index calculates as a negative figure, this represents a plus Handicap Index.

When a player’s initial Handicap Index calculates at the lower end of the handicap range for both men and women, the Handicap Committee must follow any procedures established by the Authorized Association before issuing a Handicap Index below a specified level (see Rule 5.2a For Fewer Than 20 Scores).

Rule 5.2c Clarifications:

5.2c/1 – Designation of a Plus (+) Handicap Index

The Rules of Handicapping contain a number of references to a ‘Plus Handicap’, which is the terminology traditionally used for a golfer who has achieved a Handicap Index better than Scratch (0.0).

However, when calculating a net score, the correct denotation of a ‘plus’ handicap is a negative, and this mathematical contradiction can lead to a lack of consistency in the way players denote their Handicap Index on entry forms and how software providers code their calculators.

In an effort to achieve consistency across all jurisdictions, the following guidance is provided:

  • Players with a ‘Plus Handicap’ should be encouraged to always prefix their Handicap Index with a ‘Plus’ sign (+).

  • All other players should be encouraged to refrain from using any prefix.

  • The default assumption for competition organizers should be that a Handicap Index pre-fixed with a Plus (+) sign is a Plus Handicap. Any Handicap Index pre-fixed with a negative (-) sign should be queried.